Monday, February 02, 2009

Hello? Does anybody still check me? Love, Jade's Neglected Blog

I still don't have a camera....but I guess I really don't need one to blog, right? My posts just won't be quite as fun. But tonight, I have more to say than what can fit on my Facebook status, so I came here instead.
It's bedtime for the girls, and I really want them in bed, but right now I feel like crap and don't really feel like putting out the physical effort...especially while they are playing so nicely and watching Kung-Fu Panda!
I'm pretty sure that everyone who reads this blog knows that I am pregnant again. That's why I feel like crap. I'm not sure why the baby hates me, but it sure is not being very nice! LOL
I am probably the laziest person in the world right I took the girls swimming, and then to McDonalds, and after that, I barely moved from the couch all day...only for the very essential things like throwing up....and making supper for the girls! 
The bright side of that is, I have not gained a single pound, and I'm almost 17 weeks, and two, I have greatly improved my skills on scramble. One day soon, I may even beat you DALE!!! Hahahaha.
The baby is due on July 15th....and I pray every minute of every day that I stop being sick before then, cause it would be nice to enjoy my pregnancy a little bit! I am looking forward to June though, cause then it will hopefully be warm enough that I can take the girls to Rotary Lake to play while I, the beached whale, sit on the grass and sip iced tea. At least then I won't feel like quite as much of a hermit! OL
Addison is impressing us more and more every day lately. She will ask me things that I just answer so she'll stop "how do you spell my name?" and "what's our phone number?" I never really thought much of it until we were at a friend's house the other day and she said "My name is Addison...A D D I S O N, and our phone number is 219 8761." I was like, holy crap she has a good memory! I guess it will come in handy if she ever gets lost or something!
She's really excited to go to school already, so I signed her up for Pre-Kindergarten at the Christian School here. It's already "her" school, even though it doesn't start till September! I hope she still feels this way in a couple years!
Tegan is learning to talk better all the time, and when she can't figure out the words, she doesn't slow down, she just makes up her own language!  Addison understands her the best out of all of us, and usually I need her there to translate. But Tegan is really trying, and learns more every day!
She is also my biggest cuddle bug and morning sickness supporter. Every time I have to run to the bathroom, she is right there rubbing my back and handing me "towels" which is actually toilet paper. It's good to have the love though. :)
I'm off to put them to bed!!!


  1. huh.... that must be what ryder does? sometimes he'll be saying something, and i totally can't understand one or two words.... must just be him making up words for the ones he doesn't know yet??

    and if it helps, jade.... that was my pregnancy with kyle! i was sick right from the beginning to the day i went into the hospital (actually, lying on the operating table even...) i hope your pregnancy gets better too... and yes, june sounds nice.

  2. Yes, Jade's blog, I check you at least once a week! Get those pictures up!

  3. WOOHOO! i'm glad you are back. i was mad about facebook stealing all my blogging friends! not that i have been super diligent myself...


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