Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It Happened

I fell off the blogging wagon. Yes, me, the person who is constantly losing my battery charger for my camera. I've had a few things that I could take pictures of, like Addison's new haircut (which, by the way, she did herself, cause she's the best hairdresser EVER!!). So anyway, the charger must have gotten lost in the move, so now I'm just looking for it, or a new one for a decent price.
Oh yeah, we moved...just outside of Dawson Creek. it's a cute little house, and we really like it. 3 Bedrooms, baby!!! And a huge living room.
That's all the new news....hopefully I'll be back soon!

P.S. I also updated the Conversations With Addison blog....big musings from such a little girl!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. i think you should put a tracker on your charger and camera cord since you lose them so often! thanks for the post jade...hopefully we'll get a chance to see pics of addison's new hair and your new place soon!


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