Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Birthday Cake Dialogue

Today is Daniel's birthday...Happy Birthday Daddy!
Three days ago, this conversation took place.
Addison: Mommy, how many days until daddy's birthday?
me: 3 days
A: oh. Can we make him a man cake?
me: what's a man cake?
A: well, it's a cake, and it has a picture of a man's face on it.
me: really?
A: yeah, and it's black.......long pause.....and it has sprinkles! With his face on it.

So, if you were at a loss for what kind of cake to make for your dad?? There you go. You have the formula...As far as the expert says, I don't think the shape of the actual cake matters....so go wild with that! LOL

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. Leave it to our kiddos to have all the answers:D
    P.S. Those pictures of you modeling in the wedding dresses are gorgeous! Miss you Jade!


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