Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Tegan!

Only one month after the fact this time, comes pics of Tegan's party!! We decided not to go big this year, since we have alot going on. I think the girls had a great time anyway though!!
I found these really cool cupcakes at Safeway...they are so pretty, even though you have to scrape a pound of icing off to avoid a sugar coma!!
How many boyfriends do you have? Notice the Dora pinata sitting with her...she enjoyed the whole party with us!
Yay for party hats!
Another one hitting the terrible two' you think I look too excited?
I found this at walmart...pinata fun with less mess than a normal one!
They pulled each ribbon off, hoping for the one that would open the trap door.
Woot woot!! Candy!
Which they are still eating, by the way :)

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday tegan! i love how dora came to your lucky girl:)

    sweet pic with the party hat jade...i seriously love it!


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