Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's September Already? Really?

Well, this may be a little late then, but I'll post it anyway. Around August 9th, my girls went to their first fair!! The only thing they really wanted to ride was the merry go round, but they agreed to the bunny ride too. Actually, Addison really wanted to go on the ferris wheel, but one, she was too short, and two, I have a feeling that her feelings would change when she realized that she was a hundred feet off the ground!
Writing about this makes me wish summer had never ended...but with it getting down to minus 3 at night now, I think I'm going to have to face the fact that winter is just around the corner. I am soooo not ready for that! She was so huggy that day!
Tegan and my mom have really developed a special bond over the last few months...just ignore the look on Tegan's face, she's really happy! LOL

Well, this may be a little late then, but I'll post it anyway. Around August 9th, my girls went to their first fair!!

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