Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lovely. Just Lovely

Thankfully I don't buy Costco size. Why? Because yesterday I did laundry, and like any smart mom of a two year old, I just casually set the laundry detergent on the bed when I was done. Yup, you read that right. So, about a minute after I had forgotten about it, I hear, "mauo" (smell in Tegan lingo). And right after...."mom! Tegan spilled the stuff!"
I ran in there FAST and sure enough, pretty much the entire bottle of detergent was spilled on the bed and carpet.
I have come to the conclusion that it is pretty much the worst thing that can get all over a carpet. Sure it's for cleaning, but can you say "never ending suds?"
I borrowed a friend's steam cleaner today, figuring a few extra swipes would suck it all up.
An hour later, after scrubbing with the furniture tool, soaking with a towel, and running the cleaner over it multiple multiple times, I was seriously thinking of just buying Jase some new could probably be installed in less time than it will take to get all the soap up!
So, I will try again tomorrow....but I think it's just some sort of evil soap'll NEVER get it all!! Mwaa ha ha!


  1. oh no!!! uh...good luck with that one!

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