Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Source: via Lindsay on Pinterest

If I am thankful for nothing else this week, the fact that we are still having a gorgeous summer ROCKS!!

1. A few days of slightly cooler weather recently. I love summer, I love the green and the flowers, but the "sweating all the time" isn't so fun LOL

2. Cool breezes

3. Homemade iced coffee

4. Impromptu lunch dates with my husband

5. The progress we are making on our house. Daniel pretty much gets all of the credit for that one :)

6. My friend Lindsay, who blessed me with buckets of beans to preserve for winter :)

7. My tomato plants that are giving me a few tomatoes this year!

8. Grocery shopping by myself.

9. The fall fair parade..and the tootsie rolls it brings with it :)

10. The amazing support from my mom on race day last made me smile so much mom!

11. The support from Daniel and the girls for the race. It felt amazing to finish!

12. A pool full of water outside for the girls to splash around in when it's hot

13. A babysitting job that I've been doing casually...the extra pocket cash is nice!

14. Not having any big commitments that take me away from home recently. I kind of like being a hermit!

15. A faithful God. I have so many friends going through hard things, and I have had my share of struggles lately, but God is so faithful to provide hope and strength that we need to make it through!

16. That I'm getting my towels sewn...soon, not only will I be caught up, but I will have extra stock on hand too!

17. Chats with my sister in law

18. Chats with my OTHER sister in law!

19. My sister Dakota who was thoughtful enough to bring me home my favourite dish last night when she went on a date to my favourite restaurant!!

20. That I finished the Emperor's Challenge. It's been a goal of mine for so long now, and to know that I accomplished it? Well, let's just say that the "runners high" is still here 5 days later :)

Have a great week everyone! If you wrote a post about what you are thankful for this week, please link it up...I would LOVE to read it!

1 comment:

  1. Homemade iced coffee sounds so deelish :)
    And I can definitely relate to having a faithful God - there are times I feel down and out and I'm reminded that my problems are quite minute compared to others. Thanks for the link up!


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