Friday, May 04, 2012

Thankful Thursday...Except That It's Friday

I can't believe that I'm late for TT again! I do like to think that I have a god excuse for not doing it last night though...and I'll make that my number one thing that I'm thankful for :D

Source: via Donna on Pinterest

This week I'm thankful....

1. For the phone call I got yesterday afternoon from my husband asking me on a date :)

2. That we shared that date with another couple that we haven't hung out with in awhile and we had a great dinner together!

3. That Addison's accident on Sunday wasn't any worse than it was. :(

4. For a good doctor to stitch up her owies and keep an eye on her healing progress.

5. That Addison is healing at a super human rate...her progress is absolutely crazy! Thank you Jesus!

6. For the movie "Hop". It's a gooder :)

7. That Jenny and I finally got to go out for sushi together! It was a little different than planned...we had 5 children more than we had hoped join us, but it was delicious, and so nice to go out with her!

8. For convictions. You know, those things that God lays on your heart...the ones that might be really hard to deal with, but you know that if you do, you will feel much better? Yeah, those.

9. That my mom gave us a bag of Visalus to feed Addison this week. She has pretty much lived off of it, and it's nice knowing that she is getting proper nutrition even though she can't eat solid food....that being said;

10. That Addison tried some solid food today, and it seemed to go well!

11. For budding trees and green grass

12. That someone things I'm cool enough to write a column in a newspaper....?

13. That I've gone for three runs this week, and each has been further than I thought I was capable of running!

14. For a clean van

15. For rain to help things grow

16. For all of the people that came to visit Addison this week, or that sent her gifts. You have no idea how much you helped lift her spirits!

17. For the small successes in Little Lily....I think things are going up from here!

18. That I discovered the salmon patties from Costco..thanks Angela!

19. For longer days and warm evenings

20. For a husband that is so generous and kind :) I loved the time I spent with you this week Daniel!

I hope everyone has a great week! Enjoy the springtime!


  1. thanks for the follow, following you back @peasblog

  2. Great things to be thankful for!!! I am your newest follower from Sunday Stalker! Have a good weekend


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