Thursday, January 05, 2012

Thankful Thursday...and I'm grouchy.

Ok, that wasn't the best title, but let's just say, this might be a bit of a challenge today. It's been one of "those" days, to say the least!

But, even on the worst days, there are still so many things to be thankful for!

1. I'm thankful that we're all healthy

2. I'm thankful that more of Danica's teeth are popping through, and making for a less cranky baby :)

3. I'm thankful that I got 90% of my laundry done today...washed, dried, folded AND put away! woohoo!

4. I'm thankful that I got my microwave clean was hurting'

5. I'm thankful that I got my new video camera cord so I can finally charge my camera again. I got the cutest video of the younger two today!

6. I'm thankful that we got our addition all decluttered and reorganized! Wow..lots of cleaning today, hey? Maybe that's why I'm so cranky!

7. I'm thankful for a really helpful husband who played a huge part in the cleaning process today!

8. Speaking of a helpful husband, I'm so thankful that he watched the girls almost all day yesterday so I could shop myself, and go to Zumba!

9. I'm thankful for the warm's SO nice!

10. I'm thankful that I got the girls to school on time today, even though I slept through my alarm and they missed their ride...oops!

11. I'm thankful for sweet moments playing with my girls!

12. I'm thankful to be back at Zumba after the Christmas break...and slightly shocked at how out of shape I got in two weeks!

13. I'm thankful for bedtime :)

14. I'm thankful that a friend is coming for coffee in the morning! I've been wanting to get to know her better for awhile now :)

15. I'm thankful for a fresh new year! It's going to be awesome

16. I'm thankful for a great week at my in laws' house. We had such a good time visiting with all of Daniel's family

17. I'm thankful for hot baths

18. I'm thankful for the People Yearbook issue. It's the one "gossip mag" that I buy all year, and it catches me up on all the highlights in one book...and it's entertaining to read while I'm enjoying #17 :)

19. I'm thankful that our girls play so well together. Addison has LOVED playing with Danica lately, and they just all seem to be getting along well in general.

20. I'm thankful for pj pants...especially tonight. I'm so tired and ready for bed

Night all!


  1. What a beautiful list!

  2. Anonymous, they have a rumba class Monday and Wednesday nights at the girls' school. It's $5 drop in :) If you are in Dawson and want to come, feel free!

  3. Good reminder! it's hard to be thankful sometimes - even when there are SO many things we should be thankful for!


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