Monday, April 04, 2011

Is That Another QUESTION?!

Some Questions that I've asked my kids today. How many of these have you asked your kids? Do you have any to add to the list?

-Is your nose bleeding?

-Are you ok?

-Can you please let Myka play in your room with you?

-Did you poop?

-Who stinks?

-Are you hungry?

-Do you want milk or water?

-What kind of oatmeal do you want?

-Can I please have 5 minutes of quiet in the living room?

-Why are you all wet?

-What happened?

-PLEASE can you play with your sister?

-Are you ready for a nap?

-Is it bedtime yet????

-Who put a soother in the fridge?

-Who didn't flush the toilet?

-Myka, why are you sucking on Danica's soother?

-Why is there mud in my bathroom sink?

And so begins our week...


  1. I just said to Aidan "Were you just standing on the side of the couch?!"
    and as a follow up, "Why??"
    I thought your post was going to be about questions that your kids asked you ... I am not a fan of my kids (and dayhome kids) CONSTANTLY asking me questions!!

  2. alanna, that would be a whooole other post..and it would take up a whole page! LOL
    I can't take the questions!

  3. why haven't you cleaned up your toys yet?

    why didn't you go to the bathroom the first time you had to go?

    did you wipe? flush? wash your hands?

    why aren't your shoes on?

  4. Haha I love this post!
    I couldn't think of any more until i was writing this and Corban said he took his clothes off.
    Why did you take all your clothes off again??? Ahhhh. LOL

  5. LOL Lindsay, That is asked on a daily basis here too! MYKA! Why are you naked AGAIN?!?!?


Your comments make me smile :)


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