Sunday, March 27, 2011

Elimination Communication?

Over the last year or so, I have heard more and more about elimination communication. Have you heard about it? I don't know tons, but the basic gist is that it's possible, and often preferable to potty train an infant from birth. I don't remember where I read this exactly, but I read that it's not normal for an infant to go to the bathroom in a diaper. We actually train them (often without realizing it) to poop in something that holds it against their skin.

Further down, I read that if you hold a baby over a potty and make the "pssshhhh" sound, they will go pee!

I read these things, but didn't really stick with the thought very long. In fact, I think my thoughts were "potty training the new baby with three others around? I don't think so!!"

That brings us to today.

Myka is "trying" to potty train. She loosely knows what to do, and hates wearing a diaper during the day. For convenience sake, I placed the potty in the living room so we could hopefully catch at least ONE "event" in the potty instead of on my floor.

Today she pooped twice on the floor. The second time, she was at least close to the potty though, and sat on it after the fact. Just for fun, I asked her "should we see if Danica will go potty?" and she said yes! So, I stripped the baby down and held her over the which time she had started screaming. I figured I'd humor Myka though, so I held her there for about 20 seconds making the psssh sound. And what do you know? She peed! I was in slight shock...even though I had read that they do it, I didn't really believe it until I saw it! LOL me crazy, but I figure that if I even do this once every day or two, she'll keep knowing that when I sit her on there and make the sound, she will pee. Maybe it will make it easier to potty train her? Because Myka sure doesn't pee on there when I say "psssssh"!

What do you think? Is it something you would consider doing with your child? Or do you know someone who has successfully used this technique?


  1. Wow, this is crazy! I've never heard anything like it!! I hope you keep doing this, and let me know how it goes!

  2. This is hilarious! I've never heard of it before either!

  3. I know several people who have done this with their children. All the children were pretty much able to self-potty by 12-18 months. The parents do have to carry small potties around with them, which seems like a pain at first glance, but carrying diapers and having to find a change table is a paint too! When I say it seems like a lot of work, they say it is a "different" kind of work than changing diapers. This is what has been practiced for thousands of years all around the world where diapers and water are not found. My mom was just in china, and she said that all the little babies have crotchless clothes and the moms just hold them out over the gutter! My mom actually brought me back this little sleeper that was so cute - and was completely open in the crotch. I gave it to one my EC friends and they were so excited because you can't get clothes like that here.

    Anyways, I think what you're doing is great, because as children wear diapers, they start to lose the connection of the sensation of their eliminations, and that's why we have to teach them to connect again when we potty train, if you can keep Danica in touch with her body functions, I would imagine it will help her potty train easier sooner.


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