Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mothers' Worst Nightmare

This is a sad post, but don't worry, it gets happy at the end.
On Thursday afternoon we experienced what no parent should ever have to, but many do unfortunately:(
Tegan and Addison had been napping for an hour or so when I walked down the hall to go to the bathroom. I could hear Tegan making little noises from my bedroom like she was waking up, so I opened the door and turned on the light to get her. Instead of a smiling baby I found her with her blanket pulled over her face and when I moved it, she was blue and had spit up all over and couldn't get a breath. It took me a minute to realize what was happening,.At first I thought that if I just washed her face she would be fine, but when she still didn't breathe, I realized it was bad. I must have been in some sort of's so hard to think that it was actually happening! Frantically, I called 911, but I was sure they weren't going to make it because we are 30 minutes out and she still didn't seem to be breathing. They told me to lay her on her side and rub her back and try to get her to respond to me. I couldn't to CPR because she was breathing a little and her heart was beating, so all I could to was wait. I called the neighbor to go find Daniel and they got here about 15 minutes before the ambulance. When the paramedics came in, they put her right on oxygen and it helped her breathe better right away. For the rest of the night they took tests in the hospital to see if there was an underlying cause. They determined that she had just pulled up her blanket and when she spat up it had nowhere to go, so she inhaled it. They kept her on an IV until today, Saturday, and they figure she should be okay now. We got home this afternoon and are keeping Tegan on antibiotics and keeping a close eye on her, but she should make a full recovery I feel so bad, because I thought I was always so careful with blankets, just wrapping them under her armpits, never by her face, but she still got it up to her face.
We want to thank everyone for their prayers. As everything was happening, we could feel the power of God and see how fast he was working miracles in our angel. She recoverd very fast and had no swelling of her brain or anything. We are so blessed.
I'll keep my blog updated on her condition, but she's looking great so far.

I managed to snap a couple pics in the hospital this morning when she was happier. The bandage on her hand is a splint so she couldn't bend her wrist and take out the IV. She just thought it was a great textured chew toy:)


  1. wow, that's so crazy Jade! I am sooo glad everything worked out okay in the end though. I hope you guys are doing well and recovering as well as it looks like Tegan is. Love, Alanna

  2. Guys...I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I hope you're managing alright. (I don't think I've posted on your blog before, but I check it sometimes! Thanks for posting, I love seeing your family grow and change!)

  3. praise God for little Tegan! we're continually keeping you all in our prayers Jade. i love ya!!!

  4. Praise God that she's all right - sorry that you had to go through that experience. Love you and miss y

  5. Praise God she's okay. I am so glad all is looking up. We will continue to pray for you all.

  6. I'm so sorry Jade that you had to go through that. I'll be praying for you this next while that you'll be able to feel normal again! God is good! I love you!


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