Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Tuesday 10, Top 10 Favourite Books

I'm linking up for Tuesday top 10 again! This week, my favourite books! Over the past 6 years, I have barely read any fiction books. Sometimes I'm sad about it, but I also have a good reason...because of a series of events in our life and marriage in the past 4 years or so, I have purposely spent any "spare reading" time reading marriage and personal development books. I have discovered some great books and learned lots..and our marriage has blossomed because of it. However, I am getting to the point where I would love nothing more than to curl up with a good fiction story. Soon, hopefully!!


1. The Bible
This one goes without saying. It's my love letter from God, It's the roadmap for my life that He wrote just for me...there is answers for every problem I could ever face in life here. God left it for me because he loves me :)
2. The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers
If you've ever heard the argument for abortion "but what about in the case of rape?" and it doesn't sit quite right with you, but you are not sure what the right answer is, this book hits the nail on the head. It's fiction, and it's only one girl's experience, but Francine Rivers wrote the book beautifully. I've read it many times and love it more each time!
3. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Unconditional love...written in a way that parallels it to a real life situation. Again a beautifully written book by Francine
4. Love and Respect by the Eggerich's
I think this book should be essential reading for every husband and wife. I could write a whole series of blog posts about how much I love the principles taught in this book and why. Maybe I will one day, but until then, I recommend this book highly!
5. Boundaries With Children by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
This book taught me so much about not only how I treat my children, but about how I was raised, and how it shaped the things I do now....I love the honest look it encouraged me to take in my own life.
6. The Chronicles of Narnia
A classic. I first read the series when I was being home schooled as a child. I still have yet to see all of the movies though!
7. Don't Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel
I read this book probably 15 times when I was a teenager. It's the perfect book to tug at the heartstrings of a teenage girl!! So romantic, happy and sad :(
8. His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F Harley Jr.
Yes, another marriage book. Marriage is the biggest commitment we will EVER make in our entire lives and think it's worth learning as much as we can about making it last, and making it flourish :) I was surprised when I learned what types of things are important to my husband and was so encouraged when I put some of these principles into practice and saw positive change in our marriage!
9. The Love Comes Softly Series by Jeanette Oake
A wonderful, wonderful series. I also read this as a teenager...many times!
10. Just In Case You Ever Wonder by Max Lucado
This one is a kids' book...a very special one. My mom bought it for me when I was a little girl. It is written from a parent's point of view talking to their child. "I'll always be here...just in case you ever wonder" is the premise of the book. It's so so sweet. I have my copy now and read it to my daughters often!


  1. Did you ever watch the Love & Respect DVD series? We did it with our Bible study group and Emerson is such a great speaker - hilarious and very animated!
    I love Francine Rivers' writing as well.

    1. I never have, but it's on my bucket list!

  2. you know i've never finished 'his needs her neesds'...matt and i got that and a few others when we just got married...going through it together we ended up in a few 'disagreements' so we put it on hold...maybe time to get back to it:) i love the top 10 lists!


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