Tuesday, June 05, 2012

30 Day Challenge, Day 4...Breakfast

What?! It doesn't look like breakfast to you?
Ok, me either, but it's what I had.

I had plans to make a nice egg and toast breakfast, but as the minutes...then hours passed this morning, it became less of a reality.
I fed the kids at 7...they had cereal. Then I got the older two out the door for school, changed diapers, got the younger two dressed, and cleaned a "mess" in the bathroom. 
By then I had forgotten about breakfast, so I finished sewing some wipes, and packaged a bunch of orders to send.
It was around 10:30 that I realized why I was so cranky. I get incredibly Hulk-like when I get hungry!

So, minutes before I left for town I frantically ( and shakily) searched the fridge for something to sustain me, and maybe cheer me up a little!

Last night's leftovers won. It was mine and the girls recipe for "quick tuna casserole", and it made a tasty breakfast!

If you're interested, I'll post the super duper easy peasy recipe below the photo!

Quick Tuna Casserole

1 box KD, prepared
1 can tuna, drained
.5 can mushroom soup
Optional: .5 cup frozen corn

Mix them all together and eat!

Yup, that's all. My girls get so excited when I say I'm making it for lunch or dinner!

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