Thursday, September 01, 2011

Thankful Thursday...I Heart Myka

Source: via Jade on Pinterest

Right now it's 9pm. Myka was put to bed an hour ago, and is up again, asking for things, and then crying and whining when I don't respond right away. Then throwing a tantrum if I flat out say no.
It's tiring. I know it's a phase, and if we are consistent with discipline and boundaries, it will eventually get better, but right at this moment, consistency is hard. Especially when what I want to do is rock back and forth in the corner screaming into a pillow! (ahhhh, what a mental picture :p)

For right now, I'll put her to bed yet again, put on a chick flick, and write out 20 things that I am thankful for about Myka.

1. That God gave her to Daniel and I. I'll never forget the day she was born, and I watch the video of it often!
2. Her huge, deep chocolate brown eyes!
3. Her health...she's only ever been sick once, and it was a small cold!
4. Her hair...thankful, and a little jealous of the beautiful color and perfect curls!
5. That she likes things clean, and is super good at picking up her toys.
6. Her fingers
7. Her toes.
8. Her beautiful giggle
9. That she's a daddy's girl. It makes it so nice when he gets home at the end of the day and she gets so excited to see him!
10. That she's interested in potty training. It's been a journey so far, but she's making progress!
11. Her generosity. She always gets mad when her sisters try to take something from her, but if they say please, she hands it over with a smile!
12. That she's a cuddler. When she cuddles up to me and sucks her thumb, it helps me feel like maybe she's not growing up "too" fast :)
13. That she thrives on a challenge...she tries to do everything her sisters do, and usually does a pretty good job!
14. Her energy. It's tiring sometimes, but if I could choose between a lazy child and an energetic one, I'd prefer the energy...keeps us all young!
15. That she asks me to pray with her before bed each night.
16. Her desire to help whenever she can...dishes, cooking, shopping, there's always something she wants to do!
17. That she loves veggies! It's so easy to get veggies into that girl :)
18. That's she has always been a great sleeper. And I have high hopes that it will happen again someday soon :p
19. That she's a good traveller. For the amount of travelling we do, it's a Godsend!
20. That our life has so much brighter since she came along!

I love you, Myka Esther Steckly :D


  1. I love that print!!

    Following you from the Blog Team!

  2. I really enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts. What a great way to remember the wonderful things about your daughter instead of just focussing on the frustrating phase she's going through. Wish we could meet up for a visit!

  3. I was having a rough night last night and quickly jotted down a list similar to this. It's nice to remind ourselves how happy we are with our babies when they are being so frustrating!

    I'm your newest follower!!


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