Sunday, September 18, 2011

And So It Continues

Seriously...potty training Myka is dragging on forEVER.

She has much more exciting things to do with her underpants than actually wear them properly...maybe that's our first problem?

We've made a lot of progress lately though. I've decided to keep her only in underpants while we are home during the day. It does seem to help...when I remind her to tell me she needs to go potty.
I still can't count how many accidents I've had to clean up this week though! Sheesh.

One thing I have learned: removable shower heads rock for cleaning the kid, and the diaper sprayer I have attached to the toilet is great for cleaning the underpants.

So there....while irritatingly long, the process is at least educational.

What's your best potty training tip? I think I've tried everything, but just in case....I need to know :)


  1. hahaha awesome picture! at least she's wearing underpants right? lol

  2. I feel like I wrote this! We are having the same issue here with my little one. We keep her in undies at home and have to ask her every 15-20 mins if she needs to use the potty. If it's been longer than 45 minutes I make her sit and try. She mainly has accidents if we are playing {and mommy forgets to ask her if she needs to go} and she hasn't pooped in the potty very often. Mostly in her undies...which I hate cleaning!

    Good luck!

  3. Great picture! I had the same trouble with my son when he was little (now he's 21) But then one day he just made the decision that he was potty trained and from that day on he was. Good luck, you'll get through it!

  4. You have to commit to the panties (except at night) and just keep taking them. I bribed mine with a jar of "potty candy" (M&M's) but maybe stars or stickers would work too (I just knew my kids' "currency")Make sure they are drinking enough so they have to go (sounds counter productive doesn't it?) and set an egg timer so you remember to take them every 30 minutes.

  5. The poo is a bit trickier..mine liked to go and hide... but you just really had to be on your toes and know if they were MIA, you better go find them quickly!

  6. I wish I had one for you, as a mom and former preschool teacher, they just really "get it" in their own time. I do think Pull-ups are the worst thing ever invented... just fancy expensive diapers that I don't think help with the training at all.

  7. hahahahahahahahahahaha to funny jade! that is a priceless pic you have there! have you tried to bribe her? like if you go on the potty you can get a piece of Mommy's chocolate!

  8. Thanks for all the tips, ladies...we'll get this soon! LOL
    And Orangies, I totally agree with pullups around this house! I cloth diaper, and those work for us :D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks for all the tips, ladies...we'll get this soon! LOL
    And Orangies, I totally agree with pullups around this house! I cloth diaper, and those work for us :D


Your comments make me smile :)


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