Saturday, April 18, 2009


So, a friend called about a half hour ago and asked if the girls wanted to come over and play for a couple hours. I love little surprises like that! :) So now, I am just sitting here...really tired, but I also have alot to do. My living room looks like a hurricane hit it! I had Alexa here last night, and her and the girls did a good job of emptying the contents of their bedroom into my living room! LOL
But, I  lit my grape candle, so now at least it smells good in here! I love that relaxing and fresh and fruity :) My friend Crystal sells them, so if you want your own grape candle, you can find her in my facebook friends and order one...Crystal Robar is her name.
The last couple of weeks have been super busy for us. Daniel is in Nigeria, and for the first week he was gone, the girls and I stayed at his parents' house for easter. It was fun, the girls got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa and their aunties...they decorated eggs, and fed the animals! Good times.
Since we've been home, we haven't slowed down much. I got the baby's room almost ready...just a little more painting, and a crib, and I'm done!
But now, Daniel will be home tomorrow, and the girls are so happy! 
I'm sure I'm not making any sense any more...I should go for a bit and write more when my brain turns on! see you!

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