Friday, September 12, 2008

Who Needs an Update?

Me (sheepishly raises hand). So, yes, Addison turned three, and that was three months ago. Lots of other stuff has happened since then, and I have just been plain too lazy to blog about it.
I don't have a camera cord again...maybe I should just go buy one!LOL
So, the summer has not been great...but God is really doing some awesome things through all the gunk, so no worries.
The girls are doing crazy things...and Tegan copies everything Addison does! She also turned two a couple of days ago. Unfortunately we didn't go all out, but I still did get some pics, which hopefully will be up shortly.
Talk to you all soon!!

1 comment:

  1. what kind of cable is it?
    tell me the sizes and i may have 1 of 5 that i could send you for free! LOL


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