Monday, August 04, 2008

two month recap

I had a glitch. I lost my camera cord sometime in the last couple months, so had lots and lots of pictures filling my camera! Here they are...pic overload and a recap of what has happened in the last couple of months..can I fit it all into one post? I guess we'll see.
Not in any particular order....

Daniel and I silaged for the neighbor recently, and this is my rig.

waiting for Daniel to pick up the next load...

The next load...

This is also when I developed the addiction to sour sweet tarts. Although singing to the radio is alot less fun when your mouth is "sour" burnt!

Tegan making the best of a car ride

Tegan played at the park with Great Gramma J

And addison fell in love with monkey bars and rings...she can hang all by herself!

And Tegan can play with sand all by herself! Hours of fun.

Daniel and I went to San Diego in June. We stayed at the Paradise Point Resort and Spa for the course, The Heart of the Samurai. Beautiful resort, amazing course, lifechanging experiences. And we met some Awesome people! It rocked.

And I can't get over how much my girls are growing up. Addison turned 3 in June as well. I [ut birthday pics in another post. They are growing into such good friends too!

And Tegan was just not sure why I was taking an early morning pic of her :)

A few weeks ago, the girls "helped" build a fence with us...very safely :)

Tegan, not valuing safety as much as her sister.

And lastly, Tegan REALLY making the most of a car ride, to learn a new trick. Place a finger in each nostril, and say "mamamama" for a few minutes. It's hilarious. At least Addison thought so!LOL

So, while we've been MIA, that's just a few of the things that have been keeping us busy. Talk to you again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love the pics Jade! You and the girls look like you have wayyy too much fun! And I get to work ALL day EVERY day! awwww i wanna spend quality time with my baby!


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