Sunday, June 08, 2008

Making a Difference

Some of you may know this already, but Daniel and I have started training with a company called Klemmer and Associates. Our training consists of four courses...all of which we are travelling to the States for. What are we learning there? There's lots, but a few just to give you an idea...We are learning how to be more effective in everything we do-
-How to be a team leader and a team player
-How to remain grounded in the face of stress and conflict
-How to step into the 10 qualities of a compassionate Samurai

A few days ago we returned from the second course, advanced leadership, in San Francisco. Awesome Week! And we met awesome people! Here are just a few of them..

Matt and Vel...they were in my small group. They Rock!

This is Yi-Chun and Gary. We had so much fun with them!

This is Katie...I don't have any good pics of the two of us with both our faces showing, but you already know what I look like!LOL Katie is the sweetest girl ever! And we made great buddies:)

This is Mil...he was Daniel's buddy, and he is awesome! Always encouraging.

We'll get to see some of these people again soon, as we continue with the course next week in San Diego! We miss you guys!!

1 comment:

  1. So cool. You are such wonderful people. Thanks for being who you are and sharing so much with us at "Advanced." I loved seeing Matt's face right when I pulled up your page! Cute blog...I love it! :)


Your comments make me smile :)


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