Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Week at Grandma's House!

Yes, it's true...Addison and Tegan just spent a WHOLE WEEK at gramma's house!
Daniel and I had to take a course in Edmonton and so the girls got to play with Grandma Karen, Grandpa Ron, and Aunty Kristina all week:)
They had so much fun playing wiht lego, playdough, and making cookies.
When we got back Tegan didn't even seem to notice that we had left!LOL Addison, on the other hand was missing mommy and daddy and was reayd for us to come home.
Here's some highlights of the week:

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's a long time to be away. How was that for you and Daniel? Glad the girls did well - luv ya!


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