so, yesterday I had the single grossest experience of my life.
It all started when I wanted to make yorkshire pudding. I opened the fridge to get an egg, and realized there were none. But wait...there were 3 in the butter compartment of the fridge! They're probably okay because I usually put the last egg or two in a carton up there to save room. Just in case though, I veeeery carefully crack the first egg over a bowl. What happened next might be too much for sensitive readers, so stop reading if you get sick easily...:)
The egg must have been hard boiled,like a year ago. I barely got it cracked when grey goop dropped out and I noticed the inside was grey mush. OH CRAP! GET IT OUT OF HERE QUICK!! Instinctively, I had been holding my breath the whole time, and I had a feeling I knew what was coming when I breathed again. Quickly, I threw the egg in the garbage and ran the garbage outside and locked it into the can. Then I breathed, and that was good. So I came back it and took a tentative whiff....and I can't even describe it. I guess the best way would be to say that I would probably rather change poopy diapers for hours straight than have ONE whiff of a rotten egg.
I spent the next ten minutes trying not too get sick and spraying like, half the can of Febreeze into my kitchen and living room.
It only took about a half hour until we could breathe again....
I was pretty traumatized for most of the day. I'm getting better now, but I think from now on, I'll do the FLOAT TEST on eggs if I am at all not sure!!
gross! (i think i just threw up in my mouth!)