Friday, May 19, 2006


After only 8 months of not seeing each other, Addison and Brooklyn had a reunion on Tuesday!! It was so awesome to see Teresa...and Amber came too!(You can't see it in the picture, but she's having a baby in July!!). It was a quick visit, but soooo much fun! Brooklyn has grown so much since the last time we saw can see her newborn picture at the beginning of my page.

After awhile of playing, one of the swings came open. Teresa said that Brooklyn loves the swing, so I decided to try Addison in it. It was a biiiig hit:) Maybe we'll have to find her a little swing for her birthday or something:)

Daniel and I are stopping in Abbotsford in even though we had a short visit on Tuesday, it won't be another 8 months before we see our friends again.
It was great to see you you!!!!

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