Monday, April 28, 2014

20 Random Facts About Me

1. I love organization, but have never been a naturally organized person. My "stacking" personality fights with the part of me that wants things clean and organized on a daily basis. I've made lots of progress though!

2. I hate scary movies or thrillers. If I'm going to spend time watching a movie, I prefer for it to make me laugh over anything else.

3. I absolutely love to laugh! I love a good comedy, a good joke (not always appropriate), and appropriate sarcasm.

4. I love hot baths, and almost always bring a snack and bottle of water with me when I have one. It's my favourite way to relax.

5. If it could stay one season all year round, I would pick early fall. It's still warm, yet cool enough to justify sweaters, hot chocolate, and comfort food. Plus, it's gorgeous!

6. I could eat fruit salad every day and probably never get tired of it.

7. I love coffee, but sometimes I'll go over a week and realize that I haven't had any. I prefer to drink it with a friend :)

8. I love to sleep so much. I remember vividly a few nights during my adult life when I went to bed by 9 and slept heavily all nights of my life!

9. When I sleep I like it completely dark, quiet, and have no on touching me.

10. I have super vivid dreams every night, and most of the time I really enjoy them!

11. I've become a super nervous flyer over the past few years, and really have to work to calm myself down on airplanes.

12. That being said, I love to travel and will gladly take airplanes so that I get to travel!

13. I love superhero movies.

14. My first car was an '87 Mustang.

15. Two years ago I was put on a medication for intercranial hypertension. I hated all of the side effects, except that it made me really thirsty, so I was forced to drink tons of water while on it. My body got used to it, and I still drink lots of water, which I'm kind of thankful for :)

16. My career goal is to become a midwife, even if it doesn't happen until I'm 50.

17.  I love having coffee with friends, but would much rather do it in one of our homes than go out.

18. I feel like I talk way too much.

19. Most of my favourite moments with Daniel have happened in the last 4 years of our marriage. We are so much more comfortable with each other than we were at the beginning of our marriage, and we've developed a similar sense of humour and similar things we enjoy doing.

20. I have strong opinions about quite a few topics, but hate confrontation, so I don't voice them often...especially online!


  1. This is such a fun idea and I learned some things I would have never guessed about you. :-)

    1. Thanks Fawne! Some of the posts look like they could turn into novels lol, but I'm still excited to do them all

  2. I can't stand to watch scary movies, either. Nope. I just won't. And I have a lot of vivid dreams, too. On the rare nights when I don't dream, I feel like sleeping was "boring" without dreams for entertainment!

    1. I totally feel the same way! It's like, "well that was a waste of a good night's sleep!" LOL

  3. We have a lot of similarities! Except no snacks in the bath for me. ;)

    1. It's usually an orange for pretty much just started with this current pregnancy as a way to curb morning sickness...and it's stuck!


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