Monday, July 29, 2013

Our Nest

It's 4:30 in the morning, and I can't sleep. Tonight is the first night in our new house, and I am just so excited/getting used to the feeling of being here! 
Four years ago when we bought this land, there was a house and a mobile on it. The mobile was in better condition than the house at the time. We wanted to live in the house eventually, but decided to move into the trailer so we could renovate the house pretty much from the ground up.
Over the past four years we have worked away at it, completing projects as time and finances allowed. We have had some help from some great friends, but a majority of the work has been done by my skillful, hardworking husband :). 
This year he has worked particularly hard at it, because we offered our trailer for rent to a friend's daughter...and as of today, there is enough done that we moved in! There will be projects on the go around here for months and years to come as we make this home our own...but I'm really looking forward to it, and I can't believe how far we've come!
I am absolutely smitten with my new kitchen. It's beautiful, functional, and open. Daniel built me a large separates the kitchen from the living room perfectly. From feeding the girls breakfast before school, to baking with them, to sitting at it with a cup of tea talking about their latest heartbreak or triumph, I am looking forward to many special moments at that island :)
I can't wait to take some more pictures, but because we moved in as the last of the construction was moving out, the house has been in various states of clutter and I want to wait until I have things a bit more put away before I do. 
I did snap one yesterday, as I hung my "our nest" sign above the kitchen sink. Our nest. With our beautiful little family, and God as the center. We are blessed indeed :)


  1. Wow. I can't wait to see it!

  2. i love it! love it! love it! coffee in the beautiful kitchen is a must in the not to distant future!


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