Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Three Legitimate Fears I Have

Question 2 for my "30 things my kids should know about me" series:

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.


Now, before I write out my fears, I have to post this. It says everything we need to know about fear. We live in a world filled with sin, where Satan uses every opportunity he can to cause us to fear or doubt. Unfortunately, bad things can and will happen while we are on Earth. But the truth is that God is always there, and is always good. A great example is parenting. 
I know that no matter how dad and I parent, at some point each of you will get hurt in some way...physically, emotionally, or both. However, in knowing this, we can't just force you in a bubble to ensure that you never ever get hurt! The best thing for us to do as parents is to teach you the things we can so that you are prepared to face the things that happen, and to make the best decisions for yourself. And then, when things do happen, to be there for comfort you, love you, and help you heal and move forward.
That's what God does for us. We are on this Earth not in "God's bubble", but with the free will to make the decisions we choose. Unfortunately that means that we will get hurt at some point. But God is there to comfort us, love us, and help us heal and move forward.
So, these three things scare me, yes. The cause me anxiety and freak me out sometimes. But I don't have to stay stuck in those fears because I know that God is always there...and is always good.


1. Vehicles tipping over. Not rolling in an accident, although that thought is freaky too, but what I've been scared of for a long time is vehicles just tipping over, like when they are side hilling, or 4x4ing on steep paths. If I see a pickup parked on the side of the highway or at a work site and it's tipped past where I think it should be, my heart starts beating a little faster. The same goes for big equipment, like tractors or track hoes....I find it hard to watch Daniel operate them if he's around for that reason! I'm not sure I can explain HOW this became a's just been there as long as I can remember. I have had one experience with it, but it was only about 7 years ago. Addison and Tegan were just tiny and I was driving our pickup down the dirt road. A big gravel truck was coming towards me, so I moved over to give him room, and the slush on the road pulled me into the steep ditch. I was slanted SO much, and really scared because it would have tipped over towards Tegan's side. Thankfully the truck stopped to help, and a neighbour came out to help. I remember white knuckling the steering wheel while asking him, "am I going to tip?" When he said, "I don't know", it took everything I had to focus enough to steer properly when the big truck pulled me out. But, praise the Lord, we made it out safely and thankfully I haven't had another experience like that since.

2. My girls getting badly injured. I'm sure this one doesn't require a ton of explanation, as most other mothers (and dads!) share the same fear to a degree. I try not to be an irrational mother...I know that kids need to explore and will will get hurt at one time or another. However, we have had a couple of experiences that haunt me and sometimes my imagination will run away with me in a situation and I have trouble not freaking out. 
The first was when Tegan was 4 months old. About an hour into her 2 hour nap I got the sudden urge to check on her. She wasn't breathing because she had spit up and inhaled it. Thankfully I found her in time to resuscitate her, and she recovered almost completely within a few days, but I'll never ever forget that day. 
The second was 2 years ago, when Addison fell off the top bunk in the middle of the night. The best we can guess is that she was getting up to pee and tripped, hitting her face on a small table on the way down. At first it didn't seem too bad, although it looked like she had broken her nose (she didn't). After getting checked, it turned out that the inside of her mouth was injured the most, and it took a full week of healing for her to be able to eat solid food again. 
So anyways, everyone recovered, and I know our girls are in God's hands all the time. I also know that accidents happen and they will heal, but sometimes, this fear really gets to me.

3. Wind. Not every day little winds, but the couple of strong wind storms we get a year freak me right out! We had one early this spring that was so strong, I literally sat on the couch all night not sleeping. I could hear shingles coming off the roof and siding coming off the house, and there was no way I could relax! I'm not sure why this one scares's not like I think the house will fall over or the roof will blow off or anything. It's my "silly fear". 


  1. I can totally relate! I have so many fears that I am scared that I am holding my kids back from truly enjoying their childhood!

  2. I can totally relate! I have so many fears that I am scared that I am holding my kids back from truly enjoying their childhood!

  3. I can totally relate! I have so many fears that I am scared that I am holding my kids back from truly enjoying their childhood!

  4. I can totally relate! I have so many fears that I am scared that I am holding my kids back from truly enjoying their childhood!


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