Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 27....Your Weakness

Ok, so I think the title could have been taken a couple of different ways...I chose to interpret it as my ooey gooey chocolate weakness as opposed to emotional/life weakness.

Normally, when I go for a "treat", I don't reach for the sweets. I prefer savoury snacks, and if given the choice between appetizers or dessert, I much prefer appetizers.
That being said, I AM still a woman, and I do have the occasional (daily) yearning for chocolate. 

My favourite way to eat it is in the ooey gooey brownie form...even better if it's warm and served with an ice cold glass of milk. (Huh. my whole mouth just filled with saliva there.)

I have tried many, many brownie recipes to find the perfect one. I even found a really "expensive" recipe on pinterest that used real dark chocolate and real butter...and they turned out crumbly :(

Cue Ghirardelli. You get this box of awesomeness at Costco...where you can get everything awesome.
I have never had a batch of these NOT turn out, and they are super easy to make! The best part is that they are chewy, gooey, and the perfect remedy to almost any level of PMS you might be experiencing!

Fun Fact: I usually make these around avoid children eating them all before I can get to them :)
I also TRY not to make them very maybe once a month. I'm afraid my body would just rebel and get fat if I made them more LOL


  1. SO true, I fall to the chocolate every month too.

  2. Yummo!! I love Ghirardelli chocolate, so I must try these!


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