Sunday, May 27, 2012

Newbie Park Sunday

Today the girls had their soccer pictures taken at Newbie Park. Addison's were at 3:00 and Tegan's were at 4:00, so we decided to just hang out for the hour.
I'm so glad we did! The girls had so much fun kicking the soccer ball around in the sunshine :) It was SO nice outside!!

Here's a couple shots I got of the girls :)


  1. Looks like you all had fun :) We went to Flatbed for church this morning and your mom chased my kids around the playground for me so I could sit and relax a bit.

    Also, loving the dress that Danica is wearing!

    1. Thanks! My mother in law got it last year in Hawaii...I wear it on her every chance I get!

      I miss picnics at was one of my favourite things to do growing up!

  2. I cannot believe how big your girls are! i LOVE these photos!! The pic of Addison and Tegan blows me away!!


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