Sunday, May 20, 2012

Change is coming...

Later today, or possibly tomorrow, there is a big change coming to the blog! Yes, I think we get it by now...Jade loves changing the layout of her blog!
This will be the last change for a long time I'm thinking....I just love it SO SO much, and it was designed just for me by an amazing lady :)

So, until it happens, I leave you with some inspirational quotes I've come across that inspire changing for the better. Have a great Sunday!
Source: via Germaine on Pinterest


  1. blog looks great! and i love the change quote about it being preceded by chaos!

    1. A few years ago I heard a great story about that very thing that changed the way I look at difficulties....hmmm come to think of it, I feel a blog post coming on!!!

  2. When you're all done, can you change mine? I suck at this stuff. LOVE the look & lightness of your blog!

    1. Thank you! The Momma Bird designed it all. She was amazing to work with, and did such a great job! Her button is near the bottom of the sidebar if you would like to check her out :D

  3. I love the new layout!


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