Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Teeny Tiny Pregnancy Rant

I went to the doc yesterday....don't all good rants start with that sentence? :)

Anyway, I'm 30 weeks, and the baby is still breech, which I know is still's just the longest any of my kids have been breech, so I am starting to get a bit nervous. Turn baby turn!

Also, I managed to gain 5 pounds in two weeks! Man, when I threw up for 20 weeks straight, I figured I had the weight gain taken care of with this pregnancy, and yet, here I am, having gained 30 freakin pounds....apparently within 10 weeks! Sheesh

Also, the doctor said I'm exhausted. Addison and Tegan are pretty easy to take care of kids, but still the doc says I need to rest more...that I can handle, but the part that makes me want to kick someone is Daniel's reaction...maybe I'll kick him!! Mwahahaha

I got home, and he met me at the front door and asked how my appointment was as I hauled him the groceries. I told him, and when I said very casually that I was close to exhaustion and need to rest more, he rolled his eyes, PFFFFTTTed, and said, "Don't even tell me that".

Wonderful thing to say to your preggo wife's your hubby of the  year award!!!!!!!!!

But I love you anyways :)


  1. Aww! I hope you do get some time to rest :)

  2. yay for 30 weeks...nothing like a pregnancy rant! put your feet up and have one of those best cookies ever...and if baby doesn't turn soon you can start all the funny exercises and odd baby turning secrets:)

  3. I might be calling you soon for all the secrets Tree! LOL


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