Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Me. Daisy.

I"m 29 weeks old now, so I figured it was time that I said hi for myself!
So yeah, I'm 29 weeks along, so that means mommy is on the home stretch, in the third trimester! I'm about the size of a butternut squash now, weighing in at about 2 and half pounds and measuring 15 inches long....although I can't seem to get enough food lately, hehehe, I make mommy eat ALL the time! So, in reality, I probably weigh closer to 5 pounds! LOL
I'm soaking in all the calcium I probably can, so in addition to making her eat all the time, I request a glass of milk a few times a day, and even in the middle of the night! Got milk?
It's starting to get a little squishy in here, but it helps when I put my feet on mommy's hipbone and push my head up into her gives me a little more room, and always gets her attention! She always talks to me when I do it! She says, "baby, please get out of my ribs so I can breathe!"
I have started playing with my sisters more often...I like it when Addison pokes at me, so I can kick her back! I love when she sings to me too! I can feel her lay her head on mommy's tummy and talk to me. Sometimes she sings, and sometimes she asks mommy if she can name me Becky, or Selene, or Daisy :)
A couple nights ago I think Tegan was trying to get me out of my comfy home though, because she fell on mommy's tummy so hard that I got a headache! oooof! She sure likes to play rough!
Anyway, it's naptime, so I'm going to cuddle up and sleep for awhile. I have alot of growing to do in the next 11 weeks!

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