Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Anyone for Tea? (said with a British accent)

I have a camera again!!! But these pics weren't taken with it:)
Addison and Tegan just got to spend 5 MORE days with Grandma and Grandpa while Daniel and I took another's their story.
The girls wanted hot chocolate one day, so Grandma introduced them to tea parties!! Yeah, I hadn't introduced them yet:)
They LOVED it. Sipping their hot chocolate ever so delicately and munching on plastic cookies is where they had the most fun. Grandma said they would probably want to do it every day when we get home...guess I better find a good recipe for crumpets!!!

We love being little ladies!

Oh Addison, isn't this "tea" grand?

Heavens yes, Tegan, I simply must have more!


Your comments make me smile :)


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