Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tegan update

Well, Tegan seemed to just be getting better and better, but today, she took a turn for the worse. Before noon she threw up eight times so she was in the hospital all day getting the same tests she did two weeks ago! Finally at seven the doctor told us that he figures she has reflux, which is why she had her incident. He figures it has something to do with milk products. Sooo....we are putting her strictly on pedialyte for a few days and she is going to sleep in her carseat so she is upright and hopefully we can get this figured out soon! Thank you for your prayers everyone!!! I'm just glad she can come home and doesn't have to stay in the hospital:)


  1. kids are always good for making you worry, eh? we'll continue to pray for tegan as you find out what is bothering her little stomach.

  2. I will definitely keep praying for you. One of my friends has dealt with Acid reflux and her son did better once they put him on some medication. Hopefully things get better for you soon - I love you Jade!

  3. Thanks everyone!! I love blogs and how close they bring us all hey??? Your support brings me so much strength, as cheezy as that sounds... love you guys!

  4. It's so true Jade, it does make you feel closer to people even though they're far away. I hope Tegan starts to improve and so good to hear she can stay at home. Hospitals are no fun for kids!!

  5. Oh my goodness! Jade!

    Geeeez. Congratulations first of all, to both of you guys, on your beautiful kids! They're amazing. Although I'm sorry to hear about the health problems--that's terrible. I can only imagine how hard that must be for you as parents.

    I'm glad that you guys have a blog, though--it's a good way to catch up on your life. Since it's been, you know, about 543 years since I've seen you!

  6. Hey Jade, sorry to hear that you guys are still dealing with health stuff. I'll be praying for you! I miss you girl!!

  7. JADE! i just found your blog!
    i didn't know you guys had BABIES! this is amazing news to me, congrats! we will keep tegan in our prayers. <3


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