Saturday, November 04, 2006

Everyone's havin' babies

Okay, so I just had a baby, and our dog just had 8 cutie pie puppies ( I'll take pics soon) and NOW our cat is lokin pretty close to having some babies herself! What is it about this place?


  1. wow!It sure will be a very full house in a few months when those puppies start going all over the place, I have 2 kittens that are 3.5 months old and they sure fill up my appartment with movements. Good luck with that.

  2. any kittens yet? i'm still trying to figure out a way we could smuggle one down here for brook without matt finding out- she'd love one! :)

  3. he doesn't like ANY pets- we'll see who wins out, kids can be quite persuasive:)

  4. Well, you let me know if She persuades him...I could bus one down just in time for Christmas?!?!? But if it doesn't work this time...I'm sure we'll have more in the future. Love ya!


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