Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Week Old!!!

It's going by so fast!! I can't believe our new baby is over a week already! Here are some highlights from our first week together...

Tegan can sleep no matter what's going on around her...she just blocks it all out:)

The sister bond is beginning early! Addison is so good with Tegan already. As soon as Tegan cries, addison says (in her own version) 'Tegan!" and runs over and starts patting her leg or belly.


  1. Hey Jade!
    She is so beautiful - I can't believe she's a week old already. I really wish I could be driving up to see you all this weekend - stupid car accident. I think about you lots and pray that things go well for you. I love you!

  2. She is beautiful. Enjoy every minute. I know you know how fast the time flies.

  3. sweet pics jade! your 2 beautiful girls- dan's gonna have to carry that bat around with him permanently when they become teenagers...i'll call ya!

  4. Jade! They are so adorable. How precious!!! I hope to see her soon. I will look into the possibility of a day trip????


Your comments make me smile :)


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