Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First Haircut!

Okay, so you may have to look close to tell, but Addison had her very first haircut yesterday!!! There was a chunk that kept falling in her eyes, so I did my best to make her have "bangs"' without making it look like I just chopped it off:) She must have been happy with the results...I had no problem getting her to smile big for the camera afterwards!!




  1. good job jade! maybe you can give me a haircut too when i come out next week (99% sure!)
    love ya!

  2. Wow, Jade, you're braver than me! But it looks super cute!
    I liked the family pictures - you guys look really happy *smiles*

  3. Jade, excellent job! She looks awesome! See you tomorrow night!

  4. Jade,
    I'm really excited that I can leave you messages and not actually have a blog, it's pretty much the greatest. On another note. I hear we will be spending some quality time together this weekend.......and even thanksgiving!! woo woo!!! So let me know when is good for you, and maybe we can try to get together for a hot date. Maybe even a chalk drawing contest, or maybe just some more wicked awesome tracings of ourselves. Anyhow, I will see you soon. Have an awesome day. God Bless.



Your comments make me smile :)


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