Saturday, March 29, 2014

5 Girls...The Top 5 Comments

Over the past few years, I've had my share of good laughs while reading blog posts written by parents of big families. It seems like as soon as you have four children or more, people start noticing when you take them all in public together :)
Disclaimer...I love when people talk to me about our girls. Sometimes I feel like we get too much attention, but for the most part, I'm a social person and don't mind at all. I mean, come on, who doesn't like talking about their kids? I know that it's hard not to notice us, especially when everyone is chattering like adorable I've come to expect a certain level of questions and comments. Most people are pretty awesome have a conversation with about it. Daniel even had a lady stop him on his way to the bathroom at the airport just to tell him that she noticed how well behaved our girls were at the gate! We get lots of encouragement, from friends and strangers alike.


Occasionally a stranger will shock the socks off me by what they are willing to say....eeep!

And so I compile the top 5 crazy, actual comments we received while traveling with our four girls. By crazy I mean everything from "not as witty as they may think" to "actually kind of offensive".
It's crazy what strangers will say, especially right in front of the girls. Everything from the classic " are they all yours?" to "were they all planned?" We even got a "no wonder you have so Tmany, you live in a place where it's almost always winter!"

The Top 5:

1. Stranger: "are you going to try again for a boy?
Daniel: " haha, no."
Stranger: "well that's good, because he'd be gay anyways."

2. Security officer to Daniel: "You know it's all your fault, right?" (Flashes huge smile like she's come up with the wittiest, most original comment we've ever heard).

3. You might as well buy stock in Tampax now!

4. As I was checking out at Victoria's secret, the cashier and I were chatting about being pregnant with my fifth girl, and as I turned to leave she says, "have a nice day! I hope you get a boy eventually!"

5. From an older lady after hearing I was having my fifth girl, "time to bring in the milk man!"
Thankfully I was alone when she said that!!

On the way home while discussing the comments we had heard, Daniel made a very good matter what is said about them or in front of them, our girls are so loved by so many people that it covers any thoughtless comments that a stranger could make :)

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Posted via Blogaway

Posted via Blogaway

Posted via Blogaway


  1. Those are all horrible but #1?! A) um why does that matter?! And b) why in the world would having four sisters "make" a boy gay?! My hubby (Yvonne's brother) grew up in the mide of four sisters and he's definitely straight...

    Now that we have four kids, I definitely agree, we get noticed a lot more!

  2. The milkman comment actually made me laugh out loud, though. ;)

  3. Boy, people just really don't think or were never taught any manners. Sorry for the rude comments. We have five kids, too (one boy). When they were little people always commented when I went anywhere with all of them. Now that they are 16-23 people never say anything, even though we are obviously a family. I wonder why that changes.

    Best wishes and enjoy your family. It sounds like you have a wonderful outlook and can look past the stupid things people say. Good for you.

  4. People are insane...and have big mouths. I have twins and I've heard the "were they natural?" comment and a ton of other hilarious and sometimes inappropriate comments. It's nice to know it happens to everyone! Oh and I have boys so I get "Are you going to try for a girl?" Crazy.
    Visting from SITS today. Enjoy your day!

  5. I'm still amazed at what people say sometimes. We have one girl and two boys and someone told us we need another girl because she will get the short end of the stick with two brothers.

  6. You never know what people will say. Some out there have no filter!

  7. People are ignorant. I *only* have three and I get annoyed when people comment about why we had a third when we already had "one of each." Wha?!!

  8. Whoa! People say the craziest things! Why do they assume a mother isn't perfectly fulfilled unless she has a boy or girl or a certain number of children?

    I thought strangers' comments were bad enough when I was pregnant. People wanted to know everything. When was I due? Was it my first? How long had I been married? What was the baby's sex? Did I have names picked out? On and on. I know they were just making conversation, and being pregnant is exciting, but I'd get interrogated just going to the grocery store! Ha!

    Enjoy your SITS Day! :)

  9. Wowza, unbelievable comments. Your girls are very cute, btw. Happy SITS day!

  10. I have 3 girls and I remember before each one was born thinking, "I just want a healthy baby." Growing up, I was one of 3 girls and my father would say he was still hoping for a boy--it sends a powerful message like you're not enough if you're a girl.

  11. Hi, visiting you via the SITS girls. When we were growing up, my sister had a friend whose father was a pastor, they had seven girls and they were a wonderful family. I guess they kept "looking" for the little boy who never arrived. Don't let anyone embarrass you about having a large family, you have a rare treasure, enjoy it! Wish you well with your blogging.

  12. I cannot believe someone had the ill manners to say such a vulgar statement as #3. Jeez. Really?

    The rest are pretty unbelievable, too. My maternal grandmother had 2 sets of twins (all girls) 10 months apart. I wish she were still with us today so I could compare what you've heard to what she did, because I'm sure she's had her fair share of run-ins with a-holes, too.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  13. Oh my gosh! I'm not sure whether to laugh or be mortified! Either way, I sure enjoyed reading :)

  14. After I had my 4th it seemed like everyone was noticing...and judging. I eventually got past that feeling & just embraced the whole unusualness of it. We had 2 & 2, so I can only imagine how it was for you w/5 all girls. Happy SITS day!

  15. Congrats on your beautiful family. :-) I have 5 children... and we get silly comments all the time. :-)

  16. Oh my, these are hilarious!!!

  17. Ha ha! These are hilarious... although I would get completely flustered if a stranger said anything like these statements to me.

    Thanks for sharing (and happy belated SITS day)!

  18. My aunt had 4 girls in 5 years and constant chattering was her life…it was and still is precious when my granddaughters come visit and all the little secrets and chattering that goes on…such fun. I'm so glad you are enjoying your blessings and it's refreshing that you don't get upset when people comment…very few people are truly mean spirited and it's good of you to appreciate that. Now, let me tell you my comment… Pat Boone called his daughters his "5 misses". I always thought that was cute….


Your comments make me smile :)


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